Top 12 Eco-Friendly Printing Practices for Your Office

The workplace can sometimes seem completely at odds with the eco-friendly movement. The number of electronics and amount of paper generated can seem overwhelming. Not to mention chemicals and toner. Looking around your office, maybe you’ve wondered:

  • How can we cut down on paper waste?
  • Is our toner usage harmful to the environment?
  • Wow, we have a lot of lights and electronics! What can we do to cut back our energy consumption?  

And maybe you’ve wondered:

  • Is it even possible to be “green” in an office that thrives on technology?

Rest assured, it is possible to be green(er) while still embracing technology. But you’re right to be concerned. E-waste is the fastest growing category of waste in America and accounts for nearly 70% of the hazardous waste in landfills.

Surprisingly, most e-waste is actually recyclable! It doesn’t need to end up in landfills — yet it still does. There are steps we can take every day to help reduce waste and energy consumption in our offices to reduce our impact on the environment.  Together, we can make a difference.

12 Tips for Eco-Friendly Printing

Sometimes, the easiest way to start is to focus on one area. Here are some great ways to make your office eco-friendlier just by focusing on the environmental effect of printing.

  1. Set a policy about printing. Consider limiting the use of color toner and what types of documents may be printed.
  2. Print on both sides of the sheet. Reuse sheets that have only been printed on one side.
  3. Encourage online editing and reviewing of documents.
  4. Store files digitally. Don’t print emails or other electronic documents.
  5. Share and circulate printed materials rather than printing multiple copies. Does everyone really need a copy of every meeting agenda?
  6. Recycle obsolete equipment to keep it out of the landfill. MCS picks up our clients’ obsolete office equipment for recycling, free of charge!
  7. Use managed print services for your equipment needs. Our services can help you reduce your paper use, up-front costs, and energy usage.
  8. Recycle or refill printer cartridges. Use remanufactured cartridges.
  9. Set printer defaults to only print 2-sided pages, and only print in black and white.
  10. Consolidate equipment. Do you have old copiers or printers scattered around the office? Upgrading your technology can consolidate energy use, reduce waste, and lower your costs.
  11. Make sure printers go into sleep mode when not in use and turn them off at the end of the day.
  12. Keep your printer clean and well maintained to avoid printing streaks or smears. Printing right the first time saves paper, ink, and energy.

At MCS, we can help your company go green and save you money through our products and services, including FREE e-waste disposal. Being kind to the environment is part of our Culture of Kindness. We are all in this together.

Learning more is as easy as calling us at 734-213-5400 or sending us an email. See how we can help with toner cartridges for your Ann Arbor business today!

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