Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with E-Waste Recycling

Consumers today are buying more electronics, and businesses are using more technology than ever.

With faster and newer technologies and software being introduced every day, business owners are constantly upgrading their equipment, which can result in outdated monitors and printers sitting unused.

How do you get rid of all that unused or underutilized equipment? Why choose recycling as your removal method?

  • Old electronics can contain toxic substances like lead, mercury, and chromium. When you throw away your e-waste, you could be contributing to the pollution of ground water and the soil.
  • Recycling old devices saves energy! When you recycle, the raw materials can be used to create new devices.

MCS Makes “Going Green” Easy!

There are many options for recycling empty toner cartridges and unused electronics! From bringing empty cartridges to an office supply store to recycling-by-mail programs, there is no shortage of ways you can participate to make the world a greener place.

If you’re an MCS customer, we’ll help your company go green and save money, including with our FREE e-waste disposal. For those businesses that don’t already partner with us, we’re happy to pick up cartridges and other e-waste for $100.  Being kind to the environment is part of our Culture of Kindness. We’re all in this together.

Learning more is as easy as calling us at 734-213-5400 or sending us an email. See how we can help with toner cartridges for your Ann Arbor business today.

Same day delivery of toner and custom label stock. Michigan Computer Supplies team Freee Cartridge Recylcing


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